Angular for beginners: Everything you need to know by Abdelfattah Ragab
Angular for beginners: Everything you need to know by Abdelfattah Ragab
Welcome to the book “Angular for beginners: Everything you need to know”. In this book, I'll tell you all about Angular in a free discussion format. What is Angular, how can you build a real application with it and what are all the terms you hear every day like pipes, interceptors, lazy loading and so on. You will learn everything in a few minutes and have a good understanding of what Angular can do and how you can use it for your applications. By the end of this book, you will realize that Angular is so easy, and you will be interested in moving on and creating your own Angular applications. Let's get started.
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#angular #beginners #students #novice #juniors #angularcli #events #routing #componentlifecycle #forms #dependencyinjection #httpclient #environmentvariables #guards #interceptors #resolvers #lazyloading #templatesyntax #pipes #controlflow #styles #observables #rxjs #operators