Angular for Beginners: Everything you need to know by Abdelfattah Ragab
Angular for Beginners
Everything you need to know
Abdelfattah Ragab
Welcome to the book “Angular for beginners: Everything you need to know”.
In this book, I'll tell you all about Angular in a free discussion format.
What is Angular, how can you build a real application with it and what are all the terms you hear every day like pipes, interceptors, lazy loading and so on.
You will learn everything in a few minutes and have a good understanding of what Angular can do and how you can use it for your applications. By the end of this book, you will realize that Angular is so easy, and you will be interested in moving on and creating your own Angular applications.
Let's get started.
Move forward
When you start a new topic, you should explore it broadly and focus on moving forward without getting lost in the details. I also recommend that you gather information on the same topic from different sources.
Take breaks from time to time, look for short answers to questions, and use different sources to get different perspectives. Don´t worry if you still don't understand after many attempts, just keep going because you will come across it again later.
What is Angular?
Angular is a web framework that empowers developers to build fast, reliable applications.
Maintained by a dedicated team at Google, Angular provides a broad suite of tools, APIs, and libraries to simplify and streamline your development workflow. Angular gives you a solid platform on which to build fast, reliable applications that scale with both the size of your team and the size of your codebase.
How to use Angular to create real life applications?
You use Angular to create components, connect them together and deploy the application online. It's like building block toys.
How do you organize your Angular application?
The most important building block in Angular is the component. When you connect your component to a route, it becomes a page.
If you use it within another component, it becomes a shared component.
You can create a "Layout" folder and store the components of Header, Footer, Sidenav and so on in it.
You can create another folder "Components" and place the common components such as product card, rating etc. in it.
You can create another folder "Pages" and store the components for products, shopping cart, about, contact etc. in it.
You can create folders for all kinds of artifacts such as "Pipes", "Guards", "Interceptors", "Services", "Directives" and so on.
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