Angular Shopping Store: From Scratch to Successful Payment by Abdelfattah Ragab
Angular Shopping Store: From Scratch to Successful Payment by Abdelfattah Ragab
Welcome to the "Angular Shopping Store: From Scratch to Successful Payment". In this book, I explain how to create an online shopping store using the Angular framework. To get your store up and running, you need more than Angular. You need a backend, a database, payment and shipping gateways and much more. This book is only about the frontend part. We will create everything from scratch and end up with a complete frontend store. To make things even more interesting, I have created a small Nodejs application that will help you with Stripe payments so you can sell items in your store. However, in reality, you need to use webhooks to make sure the money has landed in your Stripe account before you release the product to the customer. All of these details are part of full-stack development. In this book, I focus only on the front-end part of the application to strengthen your Angular skills and prepare you for full-stack projects. By the end of this book, you will be confident working with Angular and ready to work on full-stack projects. Let us get started.
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